MS PowerPoint is a program that is covered in the Microsoft Office suite and is bundled unitedly with Word,
Excel, and other office productivity tools. Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful slide show presentation program.
MS PowerPoint applies slides to communicate information rich in multimedia.
- What is PowerPoint used for?
Microsoft PowerPoint or MS PowerPoint is useful in; Creating Presentation, where one can add animation,
photos, videos, and sound effects making it more readable. Under this article, we will study in detail Microsoft
PowerPoint, the features and functions of PowerPoint presentation, followed by a layout on how to work with MS
PowerPoint, with the advantages and more.
- What is a PowerPoint Presentation?
Microsoft PowerPoint is great presentation software designed by Microsoft sometimes abbreviated as PP or PPT.
PowerPoint is well utilized to create a slideshow of valuable information through charts, and images for a
presentation. It is commonly practiced in business and school presentations.
It is an absolute presentation graphics package that gives you everything needed to create a professional-
looking presentation. PowerPoint offers word processing, drawing, outlining, graphing, and presentation
management tools.
i, PowerPoint was developed by Dennis Austin and Thomas Rudkin at a software company named
Forethought Inc. It was thought to be identified as Presenter, but due to trademark issues was renamed
PowerPoint in 1987.
The first iteration of PowerPoint was released collectively with Windows 3.0 in 1990.
4. The initial version of PowerPoint only allowed slide progression in one direction i.e forward and the amount
of customization was somewhat limited.
5 Progressively, with every version, the program was more creative and more interactive. Numerous other
characteristics were also added in PowerPoint in the later versions which massively increased the demand
and use of this MS Office program.
6. The default file extension of a Powerpoint presentation is “.ppt”.
7. It is a presentation( PPT)-based program comprising slides that use graphics, videos, and other features to
make a presentation more interactive and interesting.
- How to start MS PowerPoint on a Personal Computer?
Go through the below-mentioned steps to open MS PowerPoint on a personal computer:
Click on the Start Menu—>Go to All Programs—>Click on MS Office—> Lastly choose the MS
PowerPoint option.
A blank presentation will be displayed on the screen. According to the requirement, one can modify the template
for a presentation and begin working on the program.
Firstly, in PowerPoint, there are slides. Users need to add content to them to make a presentation. From the
Home menu, users can add new slides, decide their sequence, layout, design & other word processing functions
like font change, size change, etc. PowerPoint layout is used to change the layout of the current slide.
Learn more about Generations of Computer, here.
From the Insert menu, the user can add media like pictures, symbols, audio, video, header, footer, shapes, etc. to
the slides to enhance the user’s presentation.
The design menu offers the user with ready-made templates & background designs for slides that make the
presentation look very attractive.
Finally, from the Slideshow menu, the user can view the final form of the slideshow. Users can start the slideshow
from the first slide or the slide that users are editing. They can also set display time for each slide from the
‘Slideshow’ menu.
During the slide show, the slides emerge on the screen one after the other. In case, one desires to add some
animations to how a slide displays itself, they can refer to the “Animations” category.
Transition & Animation are the unique functions of PowerPoint. These menus offer different options in which the
text appears on the slides & takes transitions from one slide to another.
With the Animation effect option, the animation effect is applied to the chosen content. Next with Custom
Animation, different options will be provided for the animation effects like Entrance, Emphasis, Exit, and Motion
- Slide transition: This group consists of animation effects that are applied to complete slides. During the
slideshow, the slide begins as soon as it starts. This is termed the transition effect.
- PowerPoint Template: Microsoft gives thousands of free, professionally outlined PowerPoint design templates. Several other sources of differing quality and prices are available online, as well.
Review tab
The various tools that one can use under this tab are; Spelling, Research, Thesaurus, Translate, Language. The
Research button aids in online research in books and Internet resources about a subject or topic you are working
Thesaurus tool lists words arranged together according to the similarity of meaning. By using Thesaurus in
PowerPoint from the Review tab one can easily find synonyms for relative words in the content.
Translate Language is employed to change the English language words to another language. Next, is the New
Comment option which is used to write a comment text correlated to a word or sentence on a slide. This comment
can be further edited by edit comment and can be deleted also.
Next is the Protect Presentation option by which the data of the presentation is protected with the application of a
password, after which it cannot be changed.
View tab
In the View tab, a user can have a Normal View of a presentation. This is also called the default view. It consists of
slides where one can add content for the presentation. Next inline is the
Slide Sorter View where all the slides of the presentation are displayed in small form on the screen.
With the Notes Page tool, the slide is presented with its notes. The presentation/slideshow/run full screen with
animation effects is done with the Slide Show option.
The slide master is practiced in the presentation to attach content such as a picture at one go on all sides with the
same slide layout. Similar to the slide master with the handout master, a user can add content such as text to all
handouts on the handout page applied to print the slide.
Next is the Notes Master tool, using which one can write any common text on all the notes pages at once.
There are other tools like Show/Hide Group wherein the Ruler tool one can hide or show the ruler bar, similarly
with the Grid-lines tool gridlines can be hidden or made visible.
A message Bar is used to show or hide messages. With the zoom option, the slide can be zoomed more or less.
Next is the Macro tool with which any action can be recorded in the presentation.
Uses of PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint presentations are helpful for both personal and professional practice. Below are some of the
important uses of PowerPoint presentations.
2. In business, to invite investors or to explain the rise or drop in profits, MS PowerPoint can be used.
3. In the education field with the advancement of e-learning and smart classes as a common mode of
education today, PowerPoint presentations play a major role in addressing education more interactively
and draw the student’s attention towards the modified version of studying.
4. As both graphics and text can be combined in a presentation, representing the growth of a company, the
profit of a business, student’s performance via marks, etc. is very simple using PPT.
5. In the area of marketing, PowerPoint presentations can be extremely valuable, as utilizing graphs and
charts, numbers, facts, and figures along with the data can be shown more evidently and precisely which
may be neglected by the viewer if being read.